Breastfeeding Tips For New Age Moms: 5 Tips To Boost Your Baby’s Health |

2022-08-13 06:06:10 By : Ms. feng xin

Breastfeeding tips: Easy ways for new-age moms to continue giving benefits of breast milk to their baby

Written by Editorial Team | Updated : August 9, 2022 12:13 PM IST

Breastfeeding is one of the most glorified milestones in the life of a new mom. There is no doubt that the best bonding between a mother and baby develops during this beautiful phase. Infants receive the best nourishment from breast milk. Breast milk contains all essential nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, fats, minerals, etc. that a baby needs for healthy growth and development and its content keep on changing to suit the needs of the growing baby. Additionally, breast milk is full of antibodies that help in immune system development and keeps the baby protected against germs and infections.

For the little one, latching on and sucking means so much more than satisfying a primary physiological need - this is a precious moment in his or her relationship with the mother, full of emotional and tactile sensations. Satisfying this need gives both the mother and the child a sense of well-being and calmness. Following are some easy tips for new age moms to continue giving the benefits of breast milk to their baby:

It's true that the initial stages of breastfeeding can occasionally be difficult. But just like with anything new that you learn, it can get easier the more you practice and have patience with yourself and your baby. Also Read 4 Lesser-Known Benefits Of Breastfeeding By Dr Himani NarulaNutritionist Shares Breastfeeding Diet For Nursing MothersCan Yoga Help New Moms With Lactation And Improved Milk Flow? Let’s Find Out More News

New mothers have a lot of doubts and questions in their minds regarding breastfeeding as they have to manage everything on their own. Find comfort knowing that you're never alone in your journey. You could always seek out social support from family members and experts.

A feeding and infant support pillow like the Boppy pillow is the ideal support for a breastfeeding mother as it positions the baby at the right height & also avoids any strain on the mother's arm, neck and shoulder while feeding.

In today's hectic day-to-day lives, a new mother has to balance multiple roles - managing household chores, work commitments and deadlines, and taking care of the baby and her own health. And this can become overwhelming for new mothers. In such situations, a breast pump (whether manual or electrical) can be a very helpful solution that helps the mom to take care of the baby's feeding needs in a time-effective way with a mother's caring touch. In this manner, she can ensure that the baby always gets the better of her milk whether she is at home or travelling.

Breastfeeding is an amazing experience, and there is a number of breastfeeding accessories available to help make this journey easier and more comfortable for the new mom and her baby. Listed below are a few such products that can help moms to breastfeed for longer periods of time.

Practising the above simple tips will go a long way in making breastfeeding a fulfilling experience for the mother and the baby.

(This article is authored by Mr. Rajesh Vohra, CEO, Artsana India (Chicco) in assistance with Chicco Research Centre) is India's fastest growing health information site with a team of health professionals and writers committed to providing unique, authentic, credible, well-researched, and timely information on topics related to physical and mental health. We use the latest interactive tools, graphics, live webinars and events, interviews, medical imagery, and more.

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